Building Surveyors in Wood Green

Are you looking for professional advice and guidance for residential property or commercial premises in Wood Green, North London and beyond? Able Surveyors are an independent firm of experienced Chartered Surveyors offering a wide range of surveying services, property valuations and other building related services to private clients, professional landlords and commercial operators in the capital.

With 25+ years’ industry experience dealing with all types of property – from single apartment units to townhouses, commercial units and industrial buildings, as well as complete property portfolios, we should be your first port of call.


0207 164 6628

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm.

Property in Wood Green

A property hotspot in North London, Wood Green is Haringey’s biggest town centre with a vibrant range of shops, bars, restaurants and leisure facilities. It is identified as a Growth Area in the Local Plan, with plans to deliver 4,000 new jobs and 7,700 homes, and improvements to the town centre, environment, local connections and social infrastructure.

Wood Green Underground Station and Alexandra Palace station provide fast, convenient transport links into Central London, while Crossrail is also on the horizon. The area particularly appeals to professionals looking for affordability and good commuter links, families who love the abundance of green space and excellent local schools, and investor landlords.

Around ¾ of the local housing stock consists of Edwardian and Victorian period conversions, alongside modern purpose built blocks and ex-council flats. With an average overall price of £480,821, Wood Green is cheaper than nearby Alexandra Park (£725,170) and Hornsey (£644,085).

Range of Services

If you are considering buying a home in Wood Green or investing in commercial property in this area of North London, we highly recommend that you obtain a comprehensive overview of the building you are about to commit to. Regrettably, many potential buyers decide not to commission an independent survey, preferring to rely on a mortgage valuation, seller information or just a quick look around the property.

At Able Surveyors, we take the view that you should be in the possession of all the facts before you are able to make an informed decision on how to proceed with the purchase. Our experienced team of building specialists is at your disposal to investigate any kind of property in Wood Green or Haringey, establishing its condition and identifying any urgent areas of concern.

From RICS property surveys to specialist building investigations such as Specific Defect SurveysDamp Reports, Drone Surveys, building movement monitoring services and more, you can rely on us to get ‘under the hood’, giving you our expert opinion on what is really going on, and recommend a suitable course of action for repair or maintenance.


Are property surveys really necessary?

It is a risky decision not to bother with a property survey before you sign on the dotted line, and one that many home buyers have come to regret. At Able Surveyors, we would strongly recommend that you take out a a RICS HomeBuyer Report or a full RICS Building Survey, so that you can proceed with the purchase with the full facts and no nasty surprises down the line.

Our professional surveyors can spot major building issues such as damp, subsidence, timber defects and much more. These are problems that may not be obvious to the untrained eye but can turn out to be eyewateringly expensive to fix. Even with modern homes, the principle of ‘buyer beware’ applies. A professional home survey will give you an insight into the condition of the property, highlighting urgent areas of attention and plenty of advice on what you can do about it.

What is a damp report and when would I need one?

Damp is a common issue found with buildings of all ages and should never be ignored. Problems typically arise as a result of external landscaping or obstructed ventilation in walls, floors or windows. While most damp can be treated, advanced stages can cause real damage to wall plaster and structural timber.

If damp is suspected, a damp survey can be carried out as a specialist investigation or as part of a general building survey. At Able Surveyors, we produce independent damp reports to establish the cause of damp and to advise on recommended actions. We can also suggest reliable contractors to carry out remedial action.

When do you need to monitor structural movement in a building?

Are you planning to carry out extensive structural works to your property? Movement monitoring at an early stage is highly recommended, particularly if the building adjoins one or more other buildings and the works fall under the remit of The Party Wall Act 1996.

Able Surveyors offer building movement monitoring services and clear reports to monitor structural movements over time, as a precautionary measure during construction projects or if you have detected cracks in walls and suspect subsidence or heave.

Contact us

For further details of any of our services, to get a free estimate or book a property survey in Wood Green, we would be delighted to hear from you. Speak to the Able Surveyors team directly on 0207 164 6628, email or use the form on our contact page.






A visual inspection of the property to access condition

Detailed visual inspection for hidden defects

A “traffic light” grading system is used to indicate defects severity.

Identifies legal issues disputes pertaining to the property

Informed recommendations for repair options

Technical details of building construction and materials provided

Identifies future maintenance requirements

Mortgage valuation / reinstatement cost
(Where not included this can be provided separately)

Additional Drone Survey
(for a more detailed view of a properties roof)


